Ph: 321-615-2973

• Safety Supervisors • Permit Writers • On Site SafetyTraining Including OSHA 10 & 30 Hr
Our on-site safety services give you remarkable flexibility in meeting your needs. The industry is burdened from the high costs of workers’ compensation due to the high rates of workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities. United Safety Alliance partners with you so you can be in compliance with OSHA standards, eliminate workplace hazards, and reduce workplace injuries. We will represent your company’s interests on projects and ensure contractor compliance with regulations, contractual obligations for safety, coaching and guidance. We understand the importance of running a safe project. That's why we provide:
• Full-time site safety professionals deployed to the project.
• Training on refinery safety and health topics.
• Contractor safety program evaluations and selection guidance.
• Development of Refinery-specific health and safety documents and procedures.
• Bench marking and gap analysis consulting for corporate governance on projects.